I just got through two birthdays and some tight deadlines at work. My kids have birthdays two weeks apart. So far I've resisted the temptation to combine their birthday celebrations. I figure they are beautiful little people (5 and 3 now) and deserve their own special days.
Each kid gets two events, one at their play school, one with the family. For my big guy's birthday, he had cupcakes and origami to take to school. I made almost 100 cupcakes and 100 models. I'm kicking myself for not taking pictures. The cupcakes were quite a sight en masse.
  Oh well, imagine the cupcakes in the picture (made for another occasion), multiplied by 4, in pink and blue and green and chocolate. My big guy loves to help decorate cupcakes. Every time we go through the baking supply section, he talks me into buying a tube of sprinkles. He's also beginning to learn how to fold origami. |
For the little lady, I made goody bags. She's a sweet girl, and her face lights up when she sees something 'piddy' (pretty). Each bag had a washi egg, a bright bundle of cookies and other bits and pieces.
I feel light when I look at those pictures. They represent a very successful stash-busting exercise. Aside from the baking supplies, everything there (origami paper, florist paper and ribbon for bags, cellophane for cookies) came from my stash of craft supplies. |
Each kid also got a home baked cake. The big guy got a big chocolate cake with chocolate cake. I did try to take a picture, but it was just a big slab of brown. Not good to look at. Here's the little lady's cake. It's a butter cake, with butter cream icing and marzipan flowers. She enjoyed the cake, but when she tried to eat the flowers, she was absolutely disgusted. Yuck! Oh well, perhaps I'll try using fondant next time. |