Saturday, June 12, 2010

Motif 7: Unintended colour study

The plan was to make one doily, in one variegated colour. I was having ...umm... dye lot issues. So there was a change of plan, and now there are two doilies. This is the Scalloped doily from 'The Tatter's Treasure Chest', done a piebald selection of hand-dyed and store-bought unidentifiable perle 8.

I'm not sure whether or not I like these. I've been admiring the beautiful colourful tatting on other people's blogs, which is why I wanted to make some for myself. Now that I have them, some part of me can't help thinking 'lace should be white'!


  1. Salam Surya,
    I find that working with coloured thread requires some planning in matching the colours. With a wide selection of colourful hand-dyed thread, the temptation to tat in colours will always be there.

    It also depends on the design, some take to colored thread very well while some others turn out disastrous. It is still trial and error for me, :)

  2. Salam Hajjah Jon,

    Thank you for sharing your experiences. Perhaps the thing for me to do is to go on a colour 'puasa', to keep myself away from temptation for a bit. Perhaps a snowflake, in proper pristine white!
