Friday, December 16, 2011

Motif 12: Double edged butterfly

This is Jane Eborall's Large Fancy Butterfly done in DMC Cebelia along with a rather alarming number of beads.

The fancy edging is unusual and makes for a striking motif.  To be honest, I'm not sure I got the edging completely right, so I just tried to be consistently wrong so the wings would match.  The edging is not that hard to do, but it does require more equipment than usual.

Here's what it looked like in progress.  There are:-
  • three (3!) shuttles
  • a little string of beads on a floss threader, ready to go on the picots
  • paperclips, paperclips and more paperclips to hold the beads in place
  • print out and pencil so I could keep track without losing all my brain cells (Jane Eborall functions magnificently with brain cell #3, but I definitely need all of mine)


  1. Well I must add a comment here. That looks consistently RIGHT to me and if not - what the heck as it looks lovely.

  2. This is so impressive! I'm totally flabbergasted at the finished butterfly AND the 'work in progress'! I can't imagine how Jane even designed this and then wrote the directions - but obviously you succeeded in taking up the challenge!
